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Email delivery is delayed

Jun 28 at 07:08pm CEST
Affected services

Jun 28 at 08:09pm CEST

The queue has gone back to normal levels and we're seeing delivery times sub 10 seconds again. This is the all clear, and there will be no further updates.

Jun 28 at 07:40pm CEST

We have identified the root cause of the problem. OpenDNS, a DNS provider we used for the delivery part of our infrastructure, has decided to ban all French-based traffic, impacting half of our MX servers.

This ban follows a court order mandated by the French sport code to crack down on services illegally streaming Formula 1. OpenDNS has decided to retaliate by completely shutting down all French traffic, as well as some areas in Portugal — without notice.

We have pushed all our traffic to our alternate DNS provider for the impacted services, and email delivery is resuming normally. We'll keep this status update open and hopefully provide the all-clear in the next 30 minutes.

Jun 28 at 07:08pm CEST

We are currently seeing elevated delivery times and investigating an incident within our infrastructure. We are able to confirm that emails are queued for delivery and saved properly in our system, so no emails are lost at this point.

Next update will follow in 30 minutes.